Operation Bonnet releases today.
I’m very excited, pretty tired, but mostly grateful. Who gets to have this job?! I make up pretend people and then write about them and you all read them and say kind things to me.
I am typically a chatty person. Ahem. But today I’m nearly speechless. Not totally speechless, for who, then, would boss around all these people in my house? But from my spot in my favorite chair, I’m watching the snow fall and the wind blow and I feel gratitude. I’m reminded of King David when he was getting ready to build the temple. He blessed God in full view of the entire congregation (curious, since God functions quite fine without our blessing Him, and yet He seems to love His people loving Him back).
This is what David says: “But me—who am I, and who are my peeps (paraphrase), that we should presume to be giving something to you? Everything comes from you; all we’re doing is giving back what we’ve been given from your generous hand.”
Exactly. So take my paltry words, God. Do what You want, please, and make my heart malleable in Your hands.
Thanks for giving me such a great job.
p.s. In case I don’t stop by here again beforehand, please stop by the Launch Par-Tay at the downtown Des Moines Central Library, Monday evening, February 7, from 6:30 to 8ish. There will be cupcakes and fantabulous coffee from Natural Thirst. We will laugh. This will NOT, I repeat, NOT be a stuffy literary event. I mean, you should probably leave your dog collar and house music at home, but we will still have a good time. Hope to see you there.